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Friday, March 21, 2008

A hunting we will go...

Last weekend, our homeowner's association put on their annual egg hunt. It was a success and both kiddos came home with a bucketful of eggs. Check out the decor on their Easter buckets, by the way. Decorating plastic buckets for Easter is fast becoming a Borowski family tradition (that and using the same buckets for the sandbox and pool during the summer - we love multi-use stuff!)

get ready

Ready to go

Veronica and her loot


D.J.'s got the hang of it


Thanks, Easter Bunny!

Monday, March 03, 2008

Veronica, the Dog Whisperer

This morning, Veronica tried to get our mutt, Maggie, to sit. Here's how it went:

Veronica (in whiny voice): Maaaaggie. Sit!

Maggie unresponsive. She runs into the bedroom and under the bed.

Veronica: Mommy, Maggie won't sit.
Me: Well, that's not the way you talk to Maggie. Try again.
Veronica: Maggie, sit PLEASE.

Maggie still didn't sit. But at least Veronica has good manners.